Sequoia Config
Reference Config:
### Sequoia Config ###
queue_interval: 10
proof_interval: 120
check_interval: 30
refresh_interval: 120
hands: 2
bech32_prefix: jkl
rpc_addr: http://localhost:26657
gas_price: 0.02ujkl
gas_adjustment: 1.5
domain: https://example.com
total_bytes_offered: 1092616192
data_directory: $HOME/.sequoia/data
port: 3333
ipfs_port: 4005
ipfs_domain: dns4/ipfs.example.com/tcp/4001
proof_threads: 1000
: How many seconds between the queue being flushed (should not be less than a single blocks duration).proof_interval
: How many seconds between when then the provider scans itself for posting proofs.domain
: The domain name that users will be able to access this provider from.total_bytes_offered
: The amount (in bytes) of storage this machine can provide.data_directory
: Where the raw file data & tree caching will be stored.proof_threads
: How many files can be proven in parallel. (lower this on weak machines)stray_manager
: How many seconds between checking on chain for newly claimable files.refresh_interval
: How many seconds between the internally cached stray list is refreshed.hands
: How many workers are searching for and claiming strays at a time.chain_config
: The bech32 address prefix, this is only changed for working with Jackal forks.rpc_addr
: The RPC node that this provider will post TXs to & query from.grpc_addr
: The GRPC node that this provider will post TXs to & query from.gas_price
: The cost of gas on the network.gas_adjustment
: The gas multiplier, only raise this if your TXs are often failing due to being out of gas.api_config
: The port the provider will be available on.ipfs_port
: The port IPFS will use to connect with peers.ipfs_domain
: Optional way to specify a domain instead of a raw port for IPFS connectivity.